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Luftbild Gut Hülsenberg
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Maize harvesting at Gut Hülsenberg - Quality and quantity are spot on

Maisernte auf Gut Hülsenberg

In the evening of the 6th October 2019, maize harvesting at Gut Hülsenberg came to an end. The dry mass content was between 30 % (for the second crop maize) and 38 %. The maize was therefore, at the ideal stage of maturity for harvesting.

The good distribution of rainy periods at Gut Hülsenberg led to the maize not only being of very high quality, but the quantity was also perfect. Between 12.5 and 16.5 t dry mass could be harvested from each hectare.

The maize was chopped to a height of approx. 70 cm to maximise the energy and starch content of the silage for the dairy cows. The maize silages, which will be opened again after 14 days, were treated with BONSILAGE SPEED M, whereas SILASIL ENERGY XD was used to treat the silages for the biogas plant.

The end of this year’s harvest sees a guaranteed supply of silage for the animals and biogas plant throughout the coming year.