Call Message


Gut Hülsenberg GmbH
Wiesenweg 32
23812 Wahlstedt

Gut Hülsenberg GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft
An der Mühlenau 4
25421 Pinneberg

Represented by:

Managing Director Götz Resenhoeft


Telephone: +49 4554 9993-0
Fax:            +49 4554 9993-248
E-Mail: Contact

Register entry:

Entry in the Commercial register
Registering court: Amtsgericht Pinneberg
Registration Number: HRB 6000 PI


VAT Id number according to Sec. 27 a
German Value Added Tax Act: DE288363571

Responsible for contents acc. to Sec. 18, para. 2 German Interstate Media Treaty (MstV):

Union Agricole Holding AG
Board of directors: Dr. Hermann Pricker (Chairman), Dr. Edmund Mathies, Gerald Jandrisovits, Dr. Johann Hammerer (acc. to Sec. 18, para. 2 German Interstate Media Treaty (MstV))
Chairman of the supervisory board: Olivier M. Seiller
An der Mühlenau 4
25421 Pinneberg